INGATE RUNNER BISCUIT O·F & VENT Easy and fast drawing Drawing Ingates on the Multi Parting Plane Even if it is not located on the same plane each ingates, It can be creating the ingates by using multi parting plane. Create Drawing Ingates > Easy and fast drawing Free and Easy Runner Design on the Multi Work Plane It is possible to create a complicated runner path with multi work plane system and unique connection technology. Create Drawing Runner > Easy and fast drawing Biscuit Creation based on Machine Spec. It is automatically created in the mold area according to the specifications of machine and it is possible to adjust by user. Create Drawing Biscuit > Easy and fast drawing Overflow & Vent Creation based on Shape Database Creation based on shape database enables faster and more convenient overflow and vent design Create Drawing Overflow & Vent >
1 Clamping & Tie Bar with Projection Area Evaluate the balance of clamping/opening force Evaluate forces on each tie bar with machine spec. 1. Consider projection area and machine spec. 2. User can set safety margin for calculation 3. Automatically set center of mold area Quickly edit your design 2 Check Up Flow Direction form Each Ingates Analyze flow direction from the ingates The lines shows direction and length of flow 1. Shows the flow lines 2. Result reflecting the ingates cross-sectional area 3. Easy flow direction check without simulation Quickly edit your design 3 Section Tracking of Runner System Provide users with quick information by tracking the cross-sectional area of each ingates 1. Section tracking inside of runner 2. Shows the exact number of cross-sectional area 3. Real time calculation according to runner design Quickly edit your design
Looking for Something more than Design? 1. Various Information about Design 2. Various Verification of Design 3. Optimal linkage with analysis